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10 x Boxes Bradley Cherry Bisquettes

Product code: BRADCHX10

10 x Boxes Bradley Cherry Bisquettes

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Product Height 21cm
Product Width 14cm
Product Depth 14cm
Product Weight 0.91kg Per Box

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Bradley Smoker Cherry Bisquettes - Number of Boxes: 10

In stock & available for next day UK mainland delivery!

The key to the success of Bradley Smokers is Bradley Flavour Bisquettes.

To produce the bisquettes, the hardwood chippings are bound together using precise quantities, at controlled pressures and densities.
The flavour of the smoke is determined by the variety of wood being burned.

As a member of the fruit tree family, Cherry Bisquettes provide a mild, sweet, and fruity aroma perfect for smoking chicken, and cheese. You can also prepare beautifully colored beef jerky, thanks to the rosy tint Cherry Bisquettes add to your meat when smoking.
Cherry Flavor Bisquettes especially pair well with poultry, fish, seafood, beef, pork, lamb, water fowl, vegetables, and cheese.

Bradley Smokers burns a flavour bisquette once every 20 minutes, producing a clean smoke flavour. As each is burnt, it is gently pushed from the burner element by the next bisquette, to be extinguished in the pot of water. The cycle continues for as long as the smoker is loaded with bisquettes.
When wood burns, the smoke flavour is produced in the initial minutes of the burn. Once the wood generates enough heat to keep burning on its own, it yields high temperatures, acids, resins and gases. These will distort the flavour and the appearance of smoked food. When wood burns to this stage there is no control over the cooking conditions. With Bradley Flavour Bisquettes the guesswork is eliminated.

Not only do Bradley Flavour Bisquettes eliminate unwanted heat, smoke produced the Bradley way is four times cleaner than smoke produced by identical loose chips burned in a fry-pan or burn-box.


Bradley Flavour Bisquettes are rendered from the natural hardwoods without additives.
99.98% natural hardwoods or fruitwoods
0.02% collagen - a natural substance which is used as a binder

Each pack provides around 16 hours of smoke

Additional Information

Product Height 21cm
Product Width 14cm
Product Depth 14cm
Product Weight 0.91kg Per Box



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